Coat Of Arms

The Woodrose coat of arms is a meaningful symbol of what the School stands for. It shows a shield with two fields welded together by thick gold gilding.
The left field is a reprise of the coat of arms of PAREF, representing the organization that founded the School. The vinta, a native Philippine watercraft, symbolizes a journey, embarking towards a destination. The three stars over it stand for the three pillars of the school community: parents, teachers, and students. The color blue signifies the nobility of their journey.
The right field represents Woodrose. It carries a golden rose for femininity and strength. The color red signifies courage to pursue the truth, as well as the feminine affinity to life, living vibrantly, and nurturing others.
The gilding that binds the two fields represents the unity of PAREF and Woodrose goals. The color gold signifies the value of the education the school provides.
Below the shield is a sash bearing the school motto, Duc ad Veritatem (Lead towards the Truth). It puts across the crucial importance of instilling in our students, through their Woodrose education, universal, time honored and sound principles on which to base their lives on and to rally them to take on the commitment to teach and transmit these principles to the people they cross paths with. They will then act as beacons of truth to the people around them.