Why Choose Woodrose

At Woodrose, we transform learning into a joyful experience. Through our integral education program – high academic standards supported by positive character formation – we help students develop in every aspect of their humanity to become well-rounded individuals.

Woodrose has been the choice of many parents for more than forty years now because of special factors that may also compel you to choose it as the school for your daughter.

Single-Gender School Advantage
According to several research findings, including those conducted by the US Department of Education, Australian Council for Educational Research, and the National Foundation for Educational Research in England, students perform significantly better at single-gender schools than at their coed counterparts. The educational needs of girls and boys—who naturally learn differently—are met in single-gender schooling, which allows them to mature at their own pace. Contrary to common belief, single-gender schooling does not handicap children socially but, in fact, encourages them to identify their unique personal talents comfortably. It is also an ideal stage for gender role modeling.

Read more:
Single-Sex Education Resources
Exhaustive Reviews of Research on Single Sex Ed

Personalized Mentoring
Every student is assigned a personal mentor who serves as her life coach and friend. The Woodrose Mentoring System paves the way for each student’s character growth and development, which consequently impacts her academic performance. The student benefits as she improves her self-awareness, self-discipline, sense of responsibility, and ability to turn values into productive actions.

Read more:
The Impact of Mentoring according to our students
Why Mentoring Matters according to our parents

Conducive Place for Learning
The Woodrose environment is an ideal place for study. Situated within a secure and private subdivision, the campus is a safe place for students. It has lots of open space, free from noise and air pollution.  Care for facilities and equipment is a concern of every member of the school community, keeping the entire campus clean and well maintained.  The faculty and staff are nurturing and approachable and cultivate a spirit of warmth and mutual respect along with the students and their parents.

Now that education is temporarily conducted in an online setting, Woodrose is vigilant in keeping the online environment safe, engaging, and stimulating. Moreover, the Guided Independent Study Sessions give students the opportunity to build on their autonomy, competence, and initiative towards becoming protagonists of their own learning.

Watch videos about our Guided Remote Learning:
Resilient Education in all Circumstances
Resilience in the Playing Field
Building Resilience through Holistic Formation

Parents as Partners
Consistent with our educational philosophy that parents are the primary and most influential character educators of their children, we remain committed to building collaborative relationships with them.  We support their active participation in their daughter’s holistic development and provide ongoing opportunities for them to succeed in their noble vocation.

We can definitely say that not only are we a school for students, but we are also a school for parents.

More than a School
Woodrose holds in high regard the dignity and worth of each student. Therefore, we aim to cultivate her full potential through an integral approach where character formation is as vital as academic rigor.  In this way, each one is helped to become an effective learner and ethical member of society.  In addition, the unique program carefully designed for parents positively impacts not only their daughter in Woodrose, but their entire family as well.