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learn more about our admission requirements and procedure

learn more about our admission requirements and procedure

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character development is given equal importance as intellectual development

character development is given equal importance as intellectual development

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one of the gems of a Woodrose education is the partnership between the school and the home

one of the gems of a Woodrose education is the partnership between the school and the home

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PAREF Woodrose School

Duc ad Veritatem: Lead Towards the Truth

PAREF Woodrose School

Duc ad Veritatem: Lead Towards the Truth

PAREF Woodrose School holds in high regard the dignity and worth of each student and therefore aims to cultivate her fullest potential.  This is achieved by promoting excellence in every area of her life, giving equal importance to character formation as much as academic rigor.  Guided by the school core values, a Woodrose student maintains personal integrity and adheres to moral and ethical values; she has a positive attitude and a growth mindset; she recognizes her work done well as a means to encounter Christ; and serves others with authenticity, empathy and compassion.

News & Announcements

News & Announcements


PAREF Woodrose School
is a member of the PAREF School System