Parent Formation


In Woodrose, character formation is given equal importance as intellectual development.  Our integral approach to education is based on the dignity of each human being as imago Dei or made in the image and likeness of God. As such, we believe our students are endowed with a feminine genius and a unique combination of strengths that make them capable of acquiring virtues.

The Mentoring System, Class Advisory Program, Guidance Program, Spiritual Formation Activities, and Extra-Curricular Offerings support the goals of character education.

Mentoring System

Woodrose promotes a student’s character education through the mentoring system. This is where the goals of wisdom and virtues are personalized.

Each student is assigned a mentor, a member of the school staff, who takes a direct interest in the personal development of her mentee (student) and guides her in charting a life course based on the principles of excellence and moral character. This is achieved by establishing a close relationship between the mentor and the mentee as well as a strong partnership between the mentor and the parents. Having “unity of goals” between the home and the school provides a firm support for the child to grow in character and succeed in school.

Class Advisory Program

The Class Advisory Program is the main vehicle for direct instruction in positive character development. A weekly Class Advisory Period (CAP) is held to introduce and elaborate on the virtue or theme of the month as laid out in the integrated plan of formation. Meanwhile, daily CAP routines like check-ins and morning prayer provide a scaffolding upon which habits of character and growth in spiritual life are built.

Cultivating character requires skills for understanding and managing emotions, setting and achieving positive goals, establishing and maintaining authentic relationships, and making responsible decisions. These skills, also known as Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) skills, are taught by a Guidance Counselor and then connected to the virtue or theme of the month through a class discussion facilitated by the Class Advisor.

Young people can’t develop character until they feel valued, their dignity and worth acknowledged. Thus, similar to the Mentoring System, the heart of Class Advisory is positive relationship-building as well as community-building. It is important that every student in a Class Advisory feels that she belongs.

The CAP Classroom is also the venue where students gain deeper awareness, understanding and appreciation of one another’s talents, strengths, likes, etc. Through a variety of individual and group activities (peer bonding, teambuilding, etc.), students gain deeper self-awareness, observe and experience different stages of team development, and come to understand that each one has a unique role to play and a unique contribution to make for their growth as individuals and as a team.

 Guidance Program

Hand in hand with the Class Advisory Program and Mentoring System, the Woodrose Guidance Center helps to address the developmental needs of students and contribute effectively to the realization of integral education.

The guidance counselors perform specific tasks such as routine interviews, individual counseling, case conferences, implementation of Learning Support Program for Grade School, Modified Remote Learning Plans for High School, and Individual Education Plans for students who may have specific needs.

 Spiritual Formation

Spiritual formation is an essential part of a student’s holistic development.  Inspired by the teachings of St. Josemaria, the founder of Opus Dei, the School entrusts the spiritual formation of students to the Prelature of Opus Dei. Regardless of their personal religious beliefs, students are encouraged to grow in faith, develop a life of piety, and answer to the universal call to holiness.

Aside from their Religion classes, Woodrose provides the following activities for spiritual enrichment:

  • Daily Mass
  • First Friday Vigil and Benediction
  • Monthly Meditation with the School Chaplain
  • Weekly Confession
  • Spiritual Direction with the School Chaplain
  • First Holy Communion for Grade 2 students
  • Confirmation Rites for Grade 9 students
  • Annual Pilgrimage
  • Recollection
  • Batch Seminar cum Retreat
  • Annual Eucharistic Procession

 Student Activities

Beyond the traditional classroom setting, students are given many learning opportunities to discover and hone their talents and interests, grow in leadership skills, develop deep and lasting friendships, serve the community, and practice virtues that strengthen their character.

Click here to find out more about our various extra-curricular offerings.