May Pilgrimage

The May pilgrimage is a visit to Our Lady made with filial love. Although we may not be able to go very far to visit a shrine this year, Our Lady finds a thousand ways to be present in our homes and in our daily lives. Moreover, thanks to today’s technology, many pilgrimage sites around the world allow us to pray “live” before images of Our Lady through a webcam.

We invite you to do a Virtual Pilgrimage this month of May with your family and friends using this website. It will take you to the Pilgrimage sites of Saragossa, Loreto, Torreciudad, and Guadalupe. It also includes a Spiritual Toolkit which offers a curated selection of resources to aid your devotion to Our Lady

The site was designed by Woodrose teacher and alumna, Crissie Malay-Austria, with the assistance of Mia Alaras, Boots Carballo, and Lisa Sator.