In Memoriam: Anne Adizon

The Woodrose Family mourns the loss of Mrs. Anne Adizon who served the school for 18 years, from June 15, 2004 until she retired on November 30, 2022. We thank her for her dedicated and loyal service to the school community, especially the grade school students and their parents. May she rest in peace.

We share below the eulogy by Mrs. Blanca dela Cruz, Coordinator for Personal Formation, who succeeded Mrs. Adizon when she retired from her post.

Mrs. Anne Adizon was a remarkable woman who dedicated her life in the service of others. For many years, she nurtured the spiritual growth and personal development of countless students, faculty, and staff in Woodrose as a Religion teacher, mentor, and Grade School Coordinator for Personal Formation. 

During her stint as a Grade 2 Religion teacher, she devoted much of her time and attention in ensuring her students’ growth in faith as well as their spiritual readiness and openness to receiving Christ in their First Holy Communion.  Former students described her as both funny and strict but with a big kind heart.  Her classroom was always a place of warmth and understanding, where each child felt seen, valued, and loved. 

As a mentor, she forged deep friendships with her mentees who simply adored her for her keen sense of humor, thoughtful ways, and well-meaning advice.  Her uncanny ability to connect in genuine and sincere ways with the parents and families in school also inspired confidence, collaboration, and trust. 

Her dedication to her role of Coordinator for Personal Formation was truly evident in the way she invested in the lives of the people under her care. That is, with a lot of love and affection. She encouraged them to be the best versions of themselves and made sure to show up for them in their moments of defeat and triumph.

Granny, as she was fondly called by her friends and colleagues in the Grade School Department, served as a guide to many, especially in the matters of faith, family, and vocation. She is also known to provide comic relief at any given situation. Her ability to laugh at herself and not take things too seriously endeared her to many. She is best remembered not only for her words of wisdom but also  for her funny antics, snappy comebacks, and witty wisecracks that never failed to send everyone into fits of giggles or laughter. Indeed, she lived with joy and simplicity, and “lit the pathways of the earth with faith and love.”

Mrs. Adizon is survived by her husband, Manny and children Alexia, Alvaro, Ali, Alfonso, and Alvin whom she loved dearly. She leaves behind a lasting impact, not only in the lessons she taught and wisdom she imparted, but most importantly, in the way she lived her life. That is, with deep faith, fortitude, humility, and grace.

Her legacy will endure, and her memory will be cherished always.