Please pray for the eternal repose of the soul of Mrs. Agnes Yasay who passed on yesterday, April 29, 2020.
Mrs. Yasay first joined Woodrose as a teacher in the Primary Department in 1985 until 1991. After taking a leave of absence, she returned in 1994 and eventually became the Primary Level Coordinator. After completing her master’s degree in psychology and special education, she moved to the Guidance Center to head the unit in 2001. While serving as the School Psychologist, Mrs. Yasay continued to pursue her doctorate in educational psychology. She retired in 2012, but returned in 2016 as a part-time mentor until 2019. She served Woodrose for a total 27 years!
Her colleagues remember her for her love for reading and learning, her motherly advice, and her forgiving nature. She exuded serenity despite challenges and carried a rainbow in the midst of difficulties.
Please join us in Holy Mass to be offered for Mrs. Yasay. It will be streamed online on May 5, 2020 at 6:000pm through facebook.com/StJosemariaEscrivaPH