Grade 1 Mother-Daughter Day

At the Grade 1 Mother-Daughter event held on September 20, the mothers had the opportunity to listen to a parenting talk, given by Mrs. Pinky Escasa, entitled “Loving Demands.” It focused on how to raise children to be independent and responsible. She shared the importance of building a child’s healthy self-esteem and nurturing a loving relationship between parents and children as the foundation for developing independence and the ability to take on responsibilities.

Mrs. Esacasa offered the mothers practical tips to help them achieve this:

  1. Assign age-appropriate chores
  2. Allow the children to solve their own concerns
  3. Allow the children to make mistakes and learn from the consequences of their actions
  4. Having a pet is effective in learning how to care for another

After the talk, mothers and daughters shared a meal together. The event ended with games designed for moms and daughters to grow closer to one another.