Introducing the first ever online Family Day—an event filled with various fun, exciting and interactive activities and events that the entire Woodrose community, especially families, can participate in and enjoy from their own homes. Through this, we will celebrate the spirit of unity and community: that we are still together even if we may be far apart.
Taking inspiration from the Disney classic, Meet the Robinsons (2007), we hope to spread a message of hope and faith as we continue to move forward despite the many changes and challenges we have encountered the past year. Through Family Day 2021, we want to live in the present, learn from the past, and dream of a bright future. Truly, in a time where it seems we have nowhere to go, the Woodrose family keeps moving forward.
Here’s a sneak peak of what to expect:
Team Parades
Family Activities
Live Streams
Visit the Facebook Event Page and Event Website for more details!