Beyond the Classroom
Beyond the traditional classroom setting, students are given many learning opportunities to discover and hone their talents and interests, grow in leadership skills, develop deep and lasting friendships, serve the community, and practice virtues that strengthen their character.
- Clubs & Orgs
- Athletics
- Student Government
- Community Service
- Cultural Exchange
- Intrams & Family Day
Clubs & Orgs

Primary School: Grades 1-3
- Artlets (art club)
- DoReMi (glee club)
- Science Explorers (science club)
- Greenhorn (sports club)
- Little Cookees (culinary club)
- Shindig (modern dance club)
- Wonderstruck (story telling and writing club)
Intermediate School: Grades 4-6
- ArtDeco (art club)
- Authors’ Circle (creative writing club)
- Calligraphy Club
- Chef de Partie (culinary club)
- Digital Photography Club
- Football Club
- X-Sports (sports club)
- Grade School Chorale (music club)
- Intercultural Club
- STEAM Club
- Talindaw (dance club)
- Lectors and Commentators Guild (organization that serves in daily mass)
High School: Grades 7-12
- Bata Batuta (socio-civic organization committed to bringing joy to children in orphanages and less fortunate communities)
- Puso-Red Cross (socio-civic organization committed to helping the sick and calamity victims in partnership with Red Cross)
- World Youth Alliance-Woodrose Chapter (service organization linked to a global coalition of young people committed to promoting the dignity of the human person and building solidarity among the youth)
- ARK (short for Acts of Random Kindness; service organization that promotes kindness)
- Rosette (manages the high school student publication)
- Woodrose Chorale (glee club)
- Woodrose Ted-Ed (creates TedTalks for educational purposes)
- Model UN (linked to a global program that simulates the United Nations where students play the role of delegates from different countries and attempt to solve real world issues with the policies and perspectives of their assigned country)
- Artisans (art club)
- Inklings 2.0 (book club)
- Harayang Pinoy (Filipino co-curricular club)
- Woodrose Scientific (Science co-curricular club)

Athletic opportunities in both individual and team sports cultivate the value of discipline, team work, personal initiative, fortitude, and sportsmanship.
The following are the sports-oriented varsities offered in Woodrose:
- Badminton
- Football
- Lawn Tennis
- Softball
- Swimming
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Volleyball
- Dance Crew
Student Government

The school has two student governments: The Woodrose Student Council (WSC) for High School and the Jr. Woodrose Student Council (JWSC) for Grade School. They organize activities that foster school spirit and promote our core values; support the general welfare of students; represent the school in various events on and off campus; and channel student concerns to the faculty and administration. They live by the motto, “To lead is to serve.”
Community Service

Stemming from one of the Woodrose core values – service to God and others – various community service opportunities are available to all members of the school community from students at all levels, to parents, alumnae, and staff.
Through the community service initiatives of the school, students go beyond their comfort zones and acquire a better understanding of the needs of others. In the process, they learn humility, compassion, and the importance of helping in big and small ways that cultivate the spirit of service and responsible citizenship.
Cultural Exchange

The fundamental purpose of the Woodrose Cultural Exchange & Leadership Program is to give our students the opportunity to share with and learn from others who come from different cultural, linguistic, religious, socio-civic or socio-economic backgrounds, thereby making it possible for them to develop a greater understanding and appreciation of cultural differences, grow in self-confidence, independence, and adaptability.
For about two weeks, the students attend classes and school-wide events, go sightseeing, and participate in cultural and community activities. As they go through the program, they are able to acquire and demonstrate effective communication skills to successfully interact with people of other cultures, develop lifelong friendships with their classmates and host families, and become ambassadors in their own way, sharing the Filipino culture with others.
The exchange program has three partner schools in different cities abroad. While the program has just one aim, each destination has its own distinct features:
The program with Saint Joseph Girl’s School in Tsu City, Japan places great emphasis on the bonding experience between the visiting student and the host family, whether it is between the Saint Joseph School students and their Filipino host families; or between the Woodrose students and their Japanese host families. This kind of experience, coupled with classroom and school activities, help achieve this exchange program’s second goal: the Japanese students’ exposure to and improvement in the English language. Finally, this exchange program allows our students to learn from the discipline and respect practiced by the Saint Joseph School students, and to exercise their leadership skills in the transference of these observed virtues to the rest of the Woodrose student body. This program is open to Grade 10 students.
The thrust of the exchange program with Nagasaki Seido Mihara School for Girls in Nagasaki, Japan is quite different. The cultural exposure takes place in the school, where the Woodrose students sit in classes and interact with Grade School and Junior High School students, in the homes of the families who are connected with the centers of Opus Dei in Nagasaki, and in the socio-civic activities run by Mikawa Cooking School and Grace Center for Girls. By joining this exchange program, our students learn to appreciate the influence of Christianity in Japan and see how the Faith is compatible with the high level of virtue that the Japanese possess. This program is also open to Grade 10 students.
Lastly, the exchange program with Tangara School for Girls in Sydney, Australia gives our students a chance to live and study in a multicultural setting. The Woodrose students are hosted by families who are part of the school community and who come from diverse cultural backgrounds. Sightseeing tours with the school and the host families add to our students’ experience of witnessing firsthand what makes Australia special and of understanding how this unique culture influences school and student life. This program is open to Grade 9 students.
Intrams & Family Day

Intramurals and Family Day are school traditions that breathe excitement every year and create lasting memories for everyone. The Intramurals is a series of sports competitions held on specific days of the school year. Each new student is assigned to one of the four house teams – Red Conquerors, Blue Phoenixes, Green Griffins, and Gold Lions – and remains in the same team throughout her stay in Woodrose and even beyond graduation. Each house is led by a Team Captain who rallies her members, from the youngest in Grade School to the oldest in Senior High School, to play hard and play fair. The “big sisters” in high school guide their “little sisters” in grade school. They learn to depend on and be responsible for each other.
Intramurals culminates with championship games and team parade on Family Day. It is a whole day affair which includes cheering competition and family tournaments in football, basketball, volleyball, softball, ultimate Frisbee, table tennis, tug-o-war, and much more. The event brings together the entire school community – students, parents, alumnae and staff – with their families and friends for a full day of healthy competition and camaraderie.
Intramurals and Family Day also provide opportunities for developing leadership, cooperation, and sportsmanship among the students.