Ash Wednesday

The Season of Lent starts on Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2021. The rite of the imposition of ashes reminds us to turn away from sin and return to our Lord. “For gracious and merciful is He, slow to anger, rich in kindness, and relenting in punishment.”

Here is the schedule of masses and imposition of ashes at our parish, St. James the Great:

Schedule of Holy Mass:

  • 6:30AM
  • 10:00AM
  • 5:00PM
  • 7:00PM

Live Streaming of Holy Mass is also available via Facebook and YouTube

Schedule of Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion at the BEC Grottos:

  • 11:15AM at BEC 2, 3, 4, 7E
  • 6:15PM at BEC 1, 5, 6, 7E, 7W


Schedule of other masses:

PAREF Southridge School

Live streaming of Holy Mass via YouTube Channel of PAREF Southridge Chaplain

  • 12:05PM

Manila Cathedral

Live streaming of Holy Mass via Facebook and YouTube

  • 7:30AM
  • 12:10PM
  • 5:30PM

For those who will not be able to go to church for the celebration of Ash Wednesday, the Archdiocesan Liturgical Commission Manila has provided a means for families to do the liturgical celebrations at home, both the burning of palms or any dried leaves to ashes and the liturgy of Ash Wednesday through this document.